Harnessing the power of microencapsulation

Our Mission

Our mission is to make chemistry more efficient by providing innovative delivery solutions. We create ground-breaking products to benefit our customers, our community and the environment.

Our Business

Our core business is the development of innovative products based on encapsulation technology.

Our products are developed either in collaboration with other market leading companies or through internal R&D.

We aim to provide effective and comprehensive solutions to our customers, benefiting from 15 years of expertise and knowhow in commercialisation of controlled release products and leveraging on our established network of suppliers and distributors around the world.

Our Team

EncapSolutions has a strong and dynamic team with the key skills, expertise  and experience to conduct both developmental research and commercialisation. The team is represented by highly skilled biologists, chemists, chemical engineers, pharmacists and material scientists.

To access additional or complementary skills and resources, we have established a close local network. We have an active collaboration with Macquarie University and established relationships with other local institutions (e.g. CSIRO, NMI) and other commercial service providers.

Our Facilities

We operate state of the art chemical laboratories. Our Facility is also certified Physical Containment 2 (PC2) that enable us to store and work with biologicals for both pharmaceutical and industrial application.

Our capabilities

With a highly skilled multidisciplinary team, our R&D and innovation capabilities are exceptional for an SME. We offer much more than a typical R&D company!!

Thanks to our unique expertise in designing and operating encapsulation manufacturing units, and using our extensive know how and contacts, we can progress innovation very rapidly from bench to industrial production.

Our Values

Our Core Values are: Innovation, Adaptability, Customer focus, Integrity, Respect, Perseverance and Environmentally Responsible.