Investing in a Pain Free Future


Pain is one of the most prevalent and debilitating medical conditions and one of the biggest costs in Healthcare globally. Yet, R&D in pain research is significantly underfunded.  This has led to very few novel molecules being registered for pain treatment. The recent Opioid Crisis further compounded the issue, leading to under-prescription of opiates and resulting in ineffective pain and patient management. This has triggered a search for safer alternatives and dosage reduction and generated great interested in less addictive, plant-based alternatives such as Cannabinoids.  This interest has led to a boom in the cannabis market, currently valued at USD 50 Billions. The market is rapidly expanding and Cannabinoids are used to treat predominantly Chronic Pain (>64% of prescriptions in Australia) as well as a wide variety of medical conditions including anxiety, PTSD and Epilepsy. 

Transdermal Delivery

Transdermal delivery has many benefits for the treatment of pain. It is non-invasive, provides long-term, sustained effect, and results in better compliance from patients. It uses skin for delivery and minimises drug loss seen through other routes of administration. However, there are some major issues facing the current transdermal delivery systems, these include 1) waste i.e. 50-95% of the drug remains in a patch when discarded; 2) unsafe disposal of used patches, which is an environmental and public safety issue and 3) irritation and skin reaction due to prolonged contact of the drug with the skin.

Our Solution

We are developing innovative biodegradable patches for pain relief. This technology is based on the production of a nanofibrous polymeric mat which dissolves in contact with moist skin releasing the drug on the skin. The dissolution of the patch leads to more than 95% of the drug being used in stark contrast with traditional patches where 50-95% of the drug payload remain and gets discarded after use. This has led us to label this technology Zero-Waste Patch.

Our patches are also significantly more efficient, using up to 30x less drug for the same concentration delivered to and through the skin. This means that they are economical and provide the ability to design smaller, more patient friendly patches. Micro-encapsulation inside the polymeric fibres also provides additional protection of the drug during storage and enhanced bioavailability due to amorphization of the drug during spinning.

Our first products in the pipeline are CBD patches for complementary medicine.

Investment Opportunity

We are currently raising capital for this exciting and unique opportunity. If you want to participate in this amazing journey, to have a meaningful impact on one of the most ubiquitous and debilitating medical condition, please contact us by clicking on the button below. Lets move together towards a Pain Free Future !