Technical Papers

  1. A. Kathri, C.Barbé. Silica Nanosolution for Skin Delivery. On Drug Delivery 2018

  2. Barbé CJ, Khatri A, Finnie K S, Sommerville J A. Protection and Delivery of Therapeutics using Silica Encapsulation. Bioencapsulation Innovations February 2016

  3. K.S. Finnie, C. J. Barbé Protection of Retinol in organosilica microparticles. Cosmetics & Toiletries, 126(5), 362-372, 2011.

  4. A. Noble-Judge, C. Barbé From Smart Additives to Smart Powder Coatings PCI Magazine September 2020

  5. A. Noble-Judge, C. Barbé Small Particles Big Changes Protection PCI Magazine March 2020

  6. A. Noble-Judge, C. Barbé Changing of the Guard: Switching to Smart Pigments for Corrosion Protection. PCI Magazine February 2019

  7. A. Noble-Judge, C. Barbé Controlled Release Corrosion Inhibitors: Adding Functionality to DTM coatings. PCI Magazine October 2016

  8. C. Barbe, K. Finnie, L. Kong. Ceramisphere : Micro-encapsulation and Controlled release from Ceramic Particles CRS newsletter, 24 (2),17-19, 2007

  9. C Barbe. Micro-encapsulation and controlled release from Spherical Ceramic Particles developed for drug delivery and industrial processes. MRS bulletin 32(11), 894-895. 2007

Scientific Papers

  1. C. Barbé, J. Bartlett, L. Kong, K. Finnie, H.Q. Lin, M. Larkin, S. Calleja, A. Bush, and G. Calleja. “Silica particles: a novel drug delivery system Advanced Materials, 16 (21), 1959-1966, 2004.

  2. K Finnie, L. Kong, D. Jacques, H.-Q. Lin, S. McNiven, S. Calleja, E. Gorissen, C. Barbé “Encapsulation and Controlled Release from Silica Particles”. Chemistry in Australia 72(2) 13-15, 2005.

  3. K.S. Finnie, D.A. Jacques, M.J. McGann, M.G. Blackford, C.J. Barbé. Encapsulation and controlled release of biomolecules from silica microparticles. J. Mater. Chem., 16, 4494–4498, 2006.

  4. Kim S. Finnie, John R. Bartlett, Christophe J. A. Barbé, and Linggen Kong Formation of Silica Nanoparticles in Microemulsions. Langmuir, 23, 3017-3024, 2007.

  5. K.S. Finnie, D. J. Waller, F. L. Perret1, A. M. Krause-Heuer, H. Q. Lin, J. V. Hanna,C. J. Barbé, Biodegradability of sol–gel silica microparticles for drug delivery. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. , 49 (1), 12-16, 2009.

  6. Thierry, B., Barbe, C., Al-Ejeh, F., Brown, M., Griesser, H.J.
PEGylated nanoparticles for cancer detection and treatment(2010) European Cells and Materials, 20 (SUPPL.3), p. 95. 

  7. Shu Yie Janine Tam Janet K Coller Anthony Wignall Rachel J Gibson Aparajita Khatri Chris Barbé Joanne M Bowen Intestinal accumulation of silica particles in a rat model of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. Annal of Gastroenterol 2019 Nov-Dec;32(6):584-592

  8. Kyall Pocock Ludivine C Delon Aparajita Khatri Clive Prestidge Rachel Gibson Chris Barbe Benjamin Thierry Uptake of silica particulate drug carriers in an intestine-on-a-chip: towards a better in vitro model of nanoparticulate carrier and mucus interactions. Biomater Sci 2019 May;7(6):2410-2420